Custom styles for Twitch Chat
Code stuff
Custom styles for Twitch Chat
VBA Code Snippets
Updated the Host's server image, with it came the latest Python version: 3.10
I pushed changes to Github at least once a day for over 365 days
So you see, I love CSS, but I did something bad anyway
Changed how an outdated post is displayed (it wasn't for a long time actually)
Tailwind design is done, ish
Useful VSCode Tips and Tricks
Recently I started giving what's called "tags" on a Version Control System, and I just noticed something amazing
Updated the design of some of the markdown elements in posts
Changed the subdomain from to
You can use Khodok's Blog for yourself if you want
69 days of commits everyday!
A tutorial on how to setup Extraterm, a very cool Terminal if you can get it to work with bash
Starting to make some small changes in the design
Since I somehow have to do it way more often than you might think (because I sometimes like to get a fresh start on the messy installation and sometimes for tests, but I always forget one of the few hundred steps and get stuck for an hour...)
For a long time my accounts app on this website was called "users" (because I followed a tutorial that called it users and after someone pointed it out it was renamed to accounts, sadly it was after I followed said tutorial), it's not a problem, but calling it accounts makes way more sense.
Doc for ICT-150
Notes git et linux
Notes Koltin
Showing 20 of 37 results