https://extraterm.org/ Find what you need the point of this tutorial is for after the installation.
Install WSL, bash, etc
https://itsfoss.com/install-bash-on-windows/ just follow this tutorial, you don’t need the WSL 2 if you don’t want it.
Make the use of both
Create a new bash session type in Extraterm
Open a bash session
Execute sudo nano /bin/ec.sh
and add . "/mnt/c/Program Files/Extraterm/resources/app/extraterm/src/commands/setup_extraterm_bash.sh"
in it.
You can then execute “. ec.sh” anywhere and it’ll start the extraterm bash things.
Adding an alias
You could add an alias for the first big command but I prefer it that way.
execute nano ~/.bash_aliases
Add alias ec=". ec.sh"
in it.
and then execute source ~/.bashrc