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Quotes involving The Flash / Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen

Listen to me, Barry.
Feel the air, feel that wind on your face.
Feel the ground, your feet, lifting you up, pushing you forward.
And the lightning, Barry, feel the lightning, feel its power, its electricity pumping through your veins, crackling through you, traveling to every nerve in your body like a shock.
You're no longer you, now. You're part of something greater. You're part of a Speed Force, it's yours… Now, do it.

The Reverse Flash / Eobard Thawne / Harrison Wells to The Flash / Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen in The Flash (CW) (TV Show)
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There are only four rules you need to remember: make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan. Follow my lead and you'll be fine.

Leonard "Lenny" "Captain Cold" Snart to The Flash / Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen in The Flash (CW) (TV Show)
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