Post #4 written by Khodok in To Be Updated
This post is outdated as of 2022-06-28
Every idea was either done either discontinued
- Forms not designed correctly (buttons, white backgrounds, etc)
- Tweaks here and there to make everything a little better
- Markdown showing not properly (this list has white lines between each elements for example, and that’s ugly)
- Make a Profile page where users can change their nicknames, passwords, email, profile pictures, etc
- When logged, if adding a comment, not asking for the name and take the one of the user
- Add other ways to make accounts (Facebook, GitHub, Twitter, Other stuff)
- add a push notifications when new stuff are added on the website
- Get the VCS accessible on the website
- Make that everything is a page and be able to visit everything (even the blog) as a page
- Add all the pages missing from Khodok’s Website
- Add more Markdown plugins, to also have LaTeX for example, or ABC or even Mermaid working, as well as presets like GFM and CommonMark
- Rework the CSS because there’s a lot of useless stuff in the rules
- Remove w3.css and only use my own CSS (still keeping the same design tho)
- Use more JS to make cool stuff