What's left to do (for now) 3.0

Post #24 written by Khodok in To Be Updated


So I know most of 1.0 and of 2.0 wasn’t done but

  • I added a lot of Markdown Extensions when I added Markdown, and I wanna use them more.

Like this one:

Details thingies
Nested details!


And it’s amazing (ngl), but I’d like it to look a bit like this:

Open to see the example

It’s how they show as Material MkDocs elements

So why do I want them to look like this?

  • First of all because it looks way better, so I don’t want it to be EXACTLY like the example, but kinda similar, also with some color codes depending on what the detail is about (if it’s Danger it’s red-ish, if it’s Success it’s green-ish, etc)
  • I also kinda like the idea of an emoji that is also related to what the detail is about

I can also use them like they are now, yes… but…

  • The cool thing with this is that I can then make smaller posts, but if the user clicks on the detail button it gets bigger, so place is saved at first, so yes I can use it without the design (I will actually), but just this tiny arrow isn’t explicit enough imo.

Another one:

😂 🦇 😭

Yes! emojis, so there’s a ton of theme already there (just need to know their names lol)

I also have the possibility to add my own, so I will

Probably Ruthinkk (the potato you can see on the top right corner of header as well as at some other places), and whathype (the pig-nose like thingy I’ve added a few times in latest posts, it’s my favorite emoji ever and I really want it to be on here, at the moment I just display it like any basic image when I want to use it, which isn’t as simple as :whathype: would be.

Another one:


Markdown content.

Multiple paragraphs.

More Markdown content.

  • list item a
  • list item b

It already looks not too bad but I still want to change it a little.


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