Updated Bootstrap and fixed an old bug
Updates about Khodok's Blog
Updated Bootstrap and fixed an old bug
A few background changes and a bug fix.
The Android app is publicly available!
Information about the Android App.
Added replies back for comments (but it's currently not possible to reply to a comment)
The new meta question mark
Better use of template inheritance for Posts (currently, will expand to most stuff later)
Featured cat finally work, it took me way too many tries, I can't even remember when I first tried, but if I remember correctly, it was around the time I first added Categories...
You can edit your comments once again
Updated some of the website's forms, still have an OUTSTANDING amount of job but it's getting better really fast
Comments are finally 95% done (I hope anyway)
Added Breadcrumbs
Forms are getting updated (meaning most other things will also be updated at some point to match them), and current page display.
The website *should* be faster
Comments got a new field and the new comment app was applied to the Blog too
Fixed date formats
Added a few things, like comments on Pages and made use of side menus groups, oh... and added specific time messages to side menus.
Added History on some stuff, it's not fully done though
Added search in tags
Videos and Iframes in posts were breaking the design, it's now fixed
Showing 20 of 153 results