Icons are now better
Sub-Khodok's Blog Updates Category about changes made to the Design
Icons are now better
Hoi, it's an update, hello Update, Featured posts changed, the design isn't the same anymore
Reworked the respon... Adaptiveness of the website
Amazing! a new font on Khodok's Blog, wow!
Hello there people of the internet, profiles are now modifiable and you can even add a profile pic (please don't yet, I'll change how they're stored soon)
I continue my rampage! I'm crazy :O the new design looks cool tho
I entirely reworked the design, note that it isn't yet fully finished and some buttons are still missing (like the "new comment" button)
Little update on mobile design
A really small update on design
Credits to StackEdit Markdown Editor for the design
By the way
CSS Updated
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