150th post on khoBlog :o
Welcome! My name is Khodok. This is my personal blog.
150th post on khoBlog :o
Return of the Wednesday! Return of the Wednesday! Return of the Wednesday! Return of the Wednesday! Return of the Wednesday! Return of the Wednesday! Return of the Wednesday! Return of the Wednesday! Return of the Wednesday! Return of the Wednesday! Return of the Wednesday! Return of the Wednesday!
Amazing! a new font on Khodok's Blog, wow!
A Bookmarklet that goes directly to the latest stable Django documentation.
Hello there people of the internet, profiles are now modifiable and you can even add a profile pic (please don't yet, I'll change how they're stored soon)
Just a few stuff about the new design
I continue my rampage! I'm crazy :O the new design looks cool tho
I entirely reworked the design, note that it isn't yet fully finished and some buttons are still missing (like the "new comment" button)
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