Mon Scrum pour le module 426
Welcome! My name is Khodok. This is my personal blog.
Mon Scrum pour le module 426
I can't make them work
Since I somehow have to do it way more often than you might think (because I sometimes like to get a fresh start on the messy installation and sometimes for tests, but I always forget one of the few hundred steps and get stuck for an hour...)
It's easy to do and doesn't take much time, so why should I avoid fixing them? huh? that's what I thought!
Newly published posts now have a smol green thing at the top right corner
Updates that I still have to make, updated
Posts now have their language displayed at the top
Design of Post Cards changed again
A small update that sets a few things for the future and adds a way to delete comments
Started the blog 10 months ago!
Fixed some of the bugs caused by the migration to Bootstrap 5
Merged from Bootstrap 4.6 to Bootstrap 5 Beta 1
Ok so this one has been here for a while, comments not working...
The shittiest day this year so far (and it's not over lmao), and to be honest I highly doubt any day in 2020 was that bad, even the three days before my birthday where I was in the hospital bored as fuck weren't making me feel so bad and sad.
Posts have new types of slugs
Hehe they're finally handled well :D
I merged FlatPages and Pages
Happy new year everyone!!!
Showing 20 of 259 results