Updated to Django 4.0
Welcome! My name is Khodok. This is my personal blog.
Updated to Django 4.0
Fixed a few bugs, updated themes, more.
Useful VSCode Tips and Tricks
Aye finally reached this milestone!
So this is just a post talking about changes made in the last few days because I worked a lot without making an update post
Added Khodok's Facts
A little story explaining my username Khodok
What's 9+10?
Testing something
Fixed a bug with the nav bar that has caused me a lot of problems for a long time
Kinda trying this EditorJS thing
333rd Post on the blog :D
So this one is important
Recently I started giving what's called "tags" on a Version Control System, and I just noticed something amazing
Comments replies finally work again
Updated the design of some of the markdown elements in posts
Worked a little bit on the Weblog view
Finally fixed the Previous and Next buttons on posts !
Made some optimization, fixed some bugs, and removed a feature I liked to remove a lot of slowness. Hopefully I can add it back without it generating too much problems.
What's 9+10?
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