Added has code tag
Welcome! My name is Khodok. This is my personal blog.
Added has code tag
A very large TicTacToe as a Bookmarklet
New Top Level Domain!
My Computer Science diploma
So you see, I love CSS, but I did something bad anyway
A test of all admonitions
400 Posts milestone! :D
Changed how an outdated post is displayed (it wasn't for a long time actually)
I got my CFC this morning
Khodok's Blog now has a "Progressive Web App" version
He died 13 years ago today (at this minute actually)
I've been removing unused code and code that could be replaced for a while, today, SCSS was removed
I fixed most of the code errors reported by my code quality analyser
Added links to Previous/Next post.
Updated the color scheme switch.
Made many changes in the last few weeks, talking about the most important parts here.
It's my birthday!
Tailwind design is done, ish
I started this blog two years ago today... the 7th April 2020 to the 7th April 2022
I just finished making a dark mode that you can switch on and off, but that also follows your preferences first time you come on the website
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