Just a few stuff about the new design
Welcome! My name is Khodok. This is my personal blog.
Just a few stuff about the new design
I continue my rampage! I'm crazy :O the new design looks cool tho
I entirely reworked the design, note that it isn't yet fully finished and some buttons are still missing (like the "new comment" button)
Incredible, posts can now have images (that will later be used more)
Change of mind about CSS frameworks
Added a simple sitemap
Ideas I had over time, not added yet
Forms on this website were always bad, and I have been judged because of it! :o so now I made them a lil better (Not really done but there's one thing Idrk how to fix...)
This post is a test
Little update on mobile design
Rip khodok.xyz
An update yesterday and today, one adding Read More button and one in Menu
TODO app avec Kotlin (Français)
Wanted an URL shortener for a while
Kotlin Notes
A lot of small details changed in the last update
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a encore à faire ? In french
Liste probablement non exhaustive des features existantes In French
Flutter Jour Six (fin de DeliMeals)
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